email design

Tailor Your Email Marketing to Create a Better Patron Experience

Living through the pandemic has pushed us to find new ways to feel connected and build a sense of community. Our digital connections by phones, tablets, and computers have become lifelines to help us cope and stay up to date on what’s happening in our neighborhoods and around the globe. This shift to digital has also.

5 Simple Tips to Write Pro Email Subject Lines (Plus Examples)

The same way that a book’s title is what first captures a reader’s attention, an email subject line is what lures recipients into opening and clicking an email. Your emails might have pretty good subject lines right now, but can you make them better and improve your email results?

Creating Focused Emails That Will Delight Library Patrons

For most of us, our brains see and engage with emails multiple times a day. We are so used to reading emails and sending them that we don’t often think of what aspects make an email successful. How do you know if the primary purpose of your email is being fulfilled?